Distance Between Pécs And Osijek


See also the distance and distance between Tsévié and Osijek calculated for a trip by car calculated for a bike ride on foot or public transport bus metro train tram. Osijek and Pécs were initially connected by rail 148 years ago.

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Like the driving directions from Pécs to Osijek.

Distance between pécs and osijek. Your trip begins in Pecs Hungary. The distance between Pécs and Osijek is 68 km. The route offering the shortest distance to a destination via the most accessible roads.

It ends at Osijek Airport in Osijek Croatia. Coordinates Finder Need to know the lat and long of a city. The distance between Brela Split-Dalmatia and Osijek Osječko-Baranjska is 280 kilometers 174 miles Country.

Fast and accurate route planning. The line which opened on December 20 1870 connected the cities via Beli Manastir in Baranja and Villany in Hungary. Journey times for this option will tend to be longer.

Or maybe youd like to see a more detailed driving directions mapOne is available which provides satellite imagery on the road map from. It takes approximately 1h 24m to drive from Osijek to Pécs. Distance from Osijek to Zagreb 213 km to Split 289 km to Rijeka 335 km.

Departure point Route summary Viaducts. If you want to go by car the driving distance between Osijek and Zagreb is 28163 km. The road distance is 869 km.

Need more details on the distances between these two locations. If you travel with an airplane which has average speed of 560 miles per hour between Vecsés to Osijek. The geographic midpoint between Pecs and Tuzla is in 5420 mi 8723 km distance between both points in a bearing of 16869.

See the chart which displays detailed distance from Pécs to Osijek. Travel Time Calculator Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city. See also the distance and distance between Dráma and Osijek calculated for a trip by car calculated for a bike ride on foot or public transport bus metro train tram.

It is located in Croatia Osijek-Baranja Hrvatska Osječko-baranjska županija. Distance between Osijek Croatia and Pecs Hungary in kilometers and miles. You also have the travel duration Dráma for Osijek and the fuel costs petrol or diesel to cover the distance between Dráma and Osijek.

The city at the geographic halfway point from OSI to Pecs Hungary is Beli Manastir Croatia. How much is a train ticket Pécs-Beli Manastir or Pécs-Osijek Oct 21 2019 Baggage storage lockers in Pecs Jun 30 2019 Getting from train station to Vasarely Museum Aug 06 2018. Distance between Pécs Hungary and Osijek Croatia in kilometers and miles.

Flight Distance Calculator Need to know the distances between. Halfway between OSI and Pecs Hungary. How long does it take to fly and to drive to and How far is Pécs from Osijek.

Driving Directions Finder Need driving directions to a new place. For a flight the straight line geographic midpoint coordinates are 45 46 19 N and 18 31 31 E. Yes the driving distance between Osijek to Pécs is 88 km.

Distance from Osijek to cities are listed below also there are 0 sub cities within Osijek click on the city name to find distance between. The calculated flying distance from Osijek to Zagreb is equal to 132 miles which is equal to 213 km. How far is it between Osijek and Zagreb.

Road Map Finder Need to view your trip on a map. Road distance by car by bus and flight distance straight line travel time driving time flight time and route displayed on map. You also have the travel duration Tsévié for Osijek and the fuel costs petrol or diesel to cover the distance between Tsévié.

Michelin Osijek – Pécs driving directions. The total driving distance from Pecs Hungary to OSI is 74 miles or 119 kilometers. Driving distance from Pecs Hungary to OSI.

Osijek is located in Croatia with 455511186939 coordinates and Zagreb is located in Croatia with 45814415978 coordinates. Your directions start from Pécs Hungary and end at Osijek Croatia. Dráma and Osijek are separated by a distance of about 6577 km straight line.

How long does it take to fly and to drive to and How far is Osijek from Pecs. The distance between Novigrad Zadarska and Osijek Osječko-Baranjska is 291 kilometers 181 miles. Osijek city is located in Croatia at the 455511 186939 coordinates.

Map with distance in kilometers or miles between the cities Brela Split-Dalmatia Croatia and Osijek Osječko-Baranjska Croatia. The distance line on map shows distance from Vecsés to Osijek between two cities. Tsévié and Osijek are separated by a distance of about 46625 km straight line.

Distance Calculator Need the distances between two places. The distance between the Osijek Airport and Pecs which is 137 kilometers is a closer and more economical choice than the Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport which is approximately 230 kilometers away. Road distance by car by bus and flight distance straight line travel time driving time flight time and route displayed on map.

Osijek Airport OSI Pécs-Pogány Airport PEV.

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